Space, the Final Frontier
What is space? Space surrounds us and extends far out to the ends of the universe. Space also extends down; down into the sub-atomic realm of electrons and quarks, and then even further down until the boundaries of space and time meet.
This is where the fabric of space exists. This is where there exist membranes between dimensions: boundaries between the separate dimensions of space.
It is down within this realm that energy conglomerates into the forms of matter: energy that form the patterns that we know of as electrons and quarks.
The Theory of the 42s
The "Theory of the 42s" is a theory of energy that takes on the form of matter through determinate patterns within a ten-dimensional space-time structure: nine spatial dimensions and time. There is no absolute time, position or direction for observation; it is only the comparative difference of the separate dimensions in time that has meaning.
"The elementary particles of modern physics can be transformed into each other as in the philosophy of Plato. They do not themselves consist of matter, but they are the only possible form of matter. Energy takes on the form of an elementary particle, by manifesting itself in this form."
Werner Heisenberg
Determinate patterns, patterns expressed as bound states, are generated within the dimensions.
The basic equation used to create the patterns that represent the bounded states of energy within the different dimensions is Z 1 = Z^2 + C. The Mandelbrot set is a two-dimensional donor set of initial conditions that iterate into determinate structures. The Mandelbrot set is used within a 42 as a proxy to stand for the four-dimensional donor set of points that iterate to a determinate system within that 42.
The determinate patterns created within the different dimensions represent separated energy configurations. At the smallest reaches of space and time, the boundaries between dimensions are real.
Determinate patterns exist within one dimension then extend into the next dimension to form a part of the whole.
RSK is a nine-dimensional spatial structure where determinate patterns of energy form. RSK is composed of three different, three-dimensional structures: 42 1 , 42 2 and 42 3 (forty-two one, forty-two two and forty-two three).
Each 42 is a specific, and distinct, three-dimensional reference frame. The different configurations of three 42s create different configurations in RSK .
RSK itself can be left- (L) or right- (R) handed. RSK can have a positive or negative time vector configuration. Within these structures of RSK , matter, anti-matter and dark matter form.
There is no "absolute" pattern that shows exactly the structure of energy as a sub-atomic particle. The exploration of the patterns within the structure of RSK is an exercise of discovery of the fractal geometry of an unseen world.
The Time Dimension
Then there is time. Time is a dimension and the time-dimension is just as real as the spatial dimensions.
We live in a space-time continuum, the passage of space through time. A progression over time, an AVI Stream, is used in the RSK program to show patterns as they evolve through time.
RSK is the intersection of three 42s. Within each 42, the Mandelbrot Set is shown as a proxy to represent those initial conditions that create determinate states in four-dimensions.
A quaternion image is a three-dimensional representation of a determinate system produced by one set of initial conditions from a donor. A quaternion image may be iterated within each 42.
An AVI Stream can show the evolution of bounded deterministic states in time.
Different combinations of42s, electromagnetic, weak and strong force 42s combine in RSK to form quarks and electrons.
RSK Makes it Easy to Get Up-and-Running Fast
RSK has a " construction sequence " program. These instructions show how to:
- Create the structural representation of a right-handed electron, a right-handed up quark and a down quark
- Form determinate structures within RSK to create left handed electrons and quarks
- Morph energy patterns with AVI streaming